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Our Cycle of Prayer

CAROA Intercessions    

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Updated February 10, 2025


Day 1. Conference of Anglican Religious Orders in the Americas

For the Mission of CAROA of enhancing our capacity to act collaboratively. We are united by a common call to live consecrated lives in celibate community, personal poverty, and obedience to God as mediated through the wisdom of our communities.


Day 2. CAROA Executive Committee

Sr. Faith Margaret, CHS, President; Sr. Kristina Frances, SSM, Vice President; Sr. Monica Clare, CSJB, Secretary-Treasurer; Fr. David Brinton, OGS, General Secretary.


Day 3. Community of Divine Love

Oceana, California, USA.  Sister Greta and Brother Dennis


Day 4. Community of the Holy Spirit

New York, New York, USA. Sister Faith Margaret and Community Council.


Day 5. Community of St Francis

St. Francis House, San Francisco, California, USA. Sister Pamela Clare, Minister Provincial.


Day 6. Community of St John Baptist

Convent of St John Baptist, Mendham, New Jersey. New Jersey, USA. Sister Monica Clare, Superior.


Day 7. Community of St Mary, Southern Province

Sisters of St Mary, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA. Sister Hannah, Prioress. Sister Ines in Sagada, Philippines.


Day 8. Community of the Sisters of the Church

Sisters in Oakville and Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.  Sister Heather Broadwell CSC, Canadian Sister Provincial.


​Day 9. Community of the Transfiguration

Convent of the Transfiguration, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Ministries: Bethany School, Food for the Soul, St. Monica's Recreation Center and Transfiguration Spirituality Center in Cincinnati, OH; Tabor Cottage in Butler, OH; Transfiguration North Carolina, Bat Cave, NC; Sister Diana Doncaster, Superior


Day 10. Order of the Holy Cross

Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, New York, USA; Holy Cross Priory, Toronto, Canada (closing in May 2024); for Monks not in Residence;  St Benedict’s Priory, Hermanus, South Africa; Holy Cross School, Makhanda, South Africa; Brother Robert James Magliula, Superior.


Day 11. Order of Julian of Norwich

White Lake, Wisconsin, USA. Mother Hilary, Prioress.


Day 12. Order of St Anne

Bethany Convent, Arlington, Massachusetts, USA. Sister Ana Clara, Superior.


Day 13. Order of St Helena

North Augusta, South Carolina, USA. Sister Miriam Elizabeth, Community Leader.


Day 14. Order of St Benedict

St. Gregory's Abbey, Three Rivers, Michigan, USA. Abbot Andrew


Day 15. Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity

Ripon, Wisconsin, USA.


Day 16. NAECC/CAROA Joint Executive Committee

For discernment of opportunities for collaborative initiatives between our two organizations.


Day 17. Sisterhood of St John the Divine

St. John’s Convent, Toronto, Canada. Sister Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, Reverend Mother.


Day 18. Society of St Francis

San Damiano Friary, San Francisco, California, USA; Cathedral Center, Los Angeles, California, USA Leadership team:  Brother Desmond Alban and Brother Thomas.


Day 19. Society of St John the Evangelist

Monastery in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Emery House, West Newbury, MA. Brother Keith Nelson, Superior.


Day 20. Society of St Margaret

St Margaret's Convent, Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA; St Margaret's Convent, Boston, MA. Neale House, New York, NY; St Margaret's Convent, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Sister Kristina Frances, Superior


Day 21. Society of St Paul

San Diego, California, USA.  Canon Andrew Rank, Rector


Day 22. Aspirants to the Religious Life

We pray that those who are called to religious life will respond to that call and explore their vocation.


Day 23. Postulants and Novices

We pray for those who are exploring vocations as Postulants and Novices, that they will be supported in discerning their call to Religious Life.


Day 24. For those in Temporary, Annual Vows, and in First Profession

We pray for all our brothers and sisters in this stage of their discernment; that the Spirit will lead them as they, with their communities, consider the call to Life Vows.


Day 25. All Vocations and Formation Directors

We pray for those who discern vocations with applicants to monastic life and those who instruct and assist in formation of new members of our communities.


Day 26. For all in Life Vows

We pray for all in life vows and we rejoice in their dedication. We pray that they remain faithful to their vows and calling, with God's help.


Day 27. Religious Communities in the Worldwide Anglican Communion

We pray for all congregations which are part of the Anglican Communion and especially for all members of Religious Communities in the Anglican Communion.


Day 28. General Convention and General Synod

General Synod in Canada and General Convention in the US.


Day 29. All Founders

We pray for those who founded our Religious Communities and pray that we remain true to their prophetic vision. Rest Eternal Grant unto them, O Lord.  We pray for all who currently exercise authority in our communities.


Day 30. House of Bishops' Committees on the Religious Life.  

Pray for the members of the Canadian and US Committees.


Day 31.  Visitor/Protector Bishops of our Communities

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Conference of Anglican Religious Orders in the Americas
65 Church St, Toronto ON Canada, M5C 2E9, 416 553-1905, Email us



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